Wednesday devotions - middle school camp

How are you feeling? We’re at the halfway point of camp. At this point in the week we’re all tired and some of the things we talked about yesterday are becoming difficult because exhaustion has set in. Hang in there! What you’re doing matters. You’re playing a key role in raising up the next generations for Christ followers that will one day take your place. And don’t forget at some point someone invested in your faith journey and it’s why you’re here today. Before we dive into where we’re going for today, take a minute and ask for God to give you patience and energy to sustain you when you’re tired.

As you spend time with students today, keep in mind two things. Part of God’s great call on your life is to love these students this week. You also have the great privilege and responsibility to be an example to your students how to love God. So let them catch you loving God with all of who you are today.

Tonight we’ll be challenging students to take a giant step forward in their life with Christ. Each of them has a God sized call in their life. Its not just this far off someday call on their life. God is calling them to more right now because there is more in them. So as you fight the exhaustion, pranks, and drama keep this in mind; there’s more in you as well. Ephesians 3:20 tell us this. The power of Christ is within you. The power to do more than you could ever ask or imagine.

God’s call on your life for this week is lead your students, to be an ear as they navigate a confusing time in their lives, to provide words of wisdom as they process what seem like impossible circumstances. No matter how inadequate you may feel, you are exactly who God wanted to speak into the lives of your students this week. So lean into the promise that there is more in you.