Who can attend Victory Mountain Youth Camp?
Any student that has completed 6th through 12th grade can attend Camp.
Does my child have to attend a Wesleyan church to attend Camp?
No. Youth Camp is open to any student who wants to come and enjoy a Christ-centered camping experience and have lots of fun! If you register as a Parent, a box will appear that asks you whether you are attending with a Wesleyan church. Just select that you are not and continue completing the form.
What is the schedule for Camp?
Click here to see the daily schedule.
What should students plan to bring? Is there a packing list?
See below…
My child/student takes daily medication. Is there a policy for this at Camp?
All medications brought to Camp must be turned in to the nurse at the time of Registration on the day of camp. We have strict guidelines regarding the safety and administration of medicine to your child/student as well as the protection of consumption by another camper.
Can rising 9th graders attend High School Camp?
Which Camp students are allowed to attend is based on the grade that they have just completed. For example, if they are completing 8th grade this year, they will go to Middle School Camp. However, students who have just completed 8th grade may attend High School Camp ONLY IF they register for Middle School Camp as well. If you have further questions about this, or there is a date conflict with your rising 9th grader coming to Middle School Camp, please contact us by filling out the Contact Form here.
Do students need to bring extra money?
Snack cards are available for purchase in $5 increments. Aside from this, we typically offer a variety of Victory Mountain Camp gear like shirt, hats, stickers, etc. If you wish to send money with them, please remember that they will be responsible for keeping up with their own money.
Are cell phones/iPads/computers allowed at Camp?
While we do allow electronics at Camp, we would encourage students to go without these if possible. Multiple electronics can lead to distraction throughout the week. In addition, there are risks involved with electronics including water damage, loss or the potential of theft. If making calls/texts becomes a significant distraction to the campers' purpose for being at Camp, the cabin counselor will notify the Camp Director and a parent may be called. *Counselors are NOT responsible for keeping up with electronic equipment or keeping phones/tablets secure.
What safety precautions are taken at the pool/lake?
There will be a certified lifeguard on duty at the pool during scheduled swim times. In addition, we will have a lifeguard on duty at the lake during scheduled activity times. All campers must wear a lifejacket provided by Victory Mountain Camp while they are on the pier and/or while they are on the lake in a boat, kayak or canoe.
Will guys and girls swim together? One-pieces or two-pieces for girls?
Guys and girls will have separate assigned swimming times at the pool. Because of the separation, girls are allowed to wear appropriate two-piece bathing suits. Guys and girls must be properly covered up while going to and leaving the pool.
Who are the Camp volunteers/staff?
All Camp volunteers/staff are carefully selected through an application process. A Pastoral Reference is required as part of the application process, as well as a complete background check. Most volunteers/staff have served at the Camp for many years, and the majority are Youth Pastors/Leaders at their churches.
Who should I contact in case of an emergency?
Casey Spaugh (Youth Camp Director) - 919-223-2932
Chad Brinkley (Victory Mountain Executive Director) -
Camp Office - 336-861-3131
Victory Mountain Camp
3594 Youth Camp Road
Sophia, NC 27350
How do I register my child/student for Camp?
Click on the "Register" tab in the menu at the top of this page. Once on our Registration page, click the registration link for the camp you want to register for. From there, you will select whether you are a Youth Pastor/Leader or Parent registering your child/student. After clicking one of these two options, you will be able to complete the rest of the registration form. *It is extremely important that you select the correct option (Youth Pastor/Leader or Parent) when registering.
How do I pay my deposit?
During the online registration process, you will be prompted to pay a deposit using our secure payment processor. *You may choose to pay your deposit later through our Additional Payment Form, but the deposit must be made before the registration deadline, or your registration may be cancelled.
What if my church is paying part or all of the registration cost?
Your church can make a credit card payment for you through the Additional Payment Form. If there is an issue with your church paying via credit card, please contact our Camp Director, Casey Spaugh, at
What forms of payment do you accept?
Payments can be made via debit/credit card (all major cards accepted).
For those churches who will be making payments on behalf of one of multiple students, they may do so through the Additional Payment Form. If there is an issue with your church paying via credit card, please contact our Camp Director, Casey Spaugh, at
Can I pay in full for Youth Camp when I register?
Absolutely! Just select the "Pay in Full" option via debit/credit card (processing fees apply) when you register to go ahead and pay for Camp as you register online.
Can I make an additional payment for someone already registered?
Yes. You will need to have the first name, last name, and address used on the student's initial submitted registration. Click here to make an additional payment for someone already registered.
Can I pay my balance the day of Camp?
Yes. However, we encourage everyone coming with a Wesleyan church to go ahead and take care of their balance with their Youth Pastor/Leader before coming to Camp. This will speed up the registration process for you and others that need to register.
*Debit/credit cards and cash will all be accepted for balance payments on the day of Camp.
Is there still a paper form that I can fill out?
All registrations must be completed online. This allows us to gather necessary camper information more efficiently and securely.
FIRST Day of camp
What time do I need to arrive on registration day and where do I go?
Registration starts at 4pm. Upon your arrival, you will be met at the gate by one of our leaders who will pray for you and give you directions to the Lodge. There is no need to arrive extra early. Cabins are already pre-assigned.
What should I bring to registration?
Please bring any unpaid balance due (unless you are registered with a Wesleyan church, in which case you will need to take care of your balance with the Youth Pastor/Leader). All medications must also be turned into the nurse.
How do I get my student/child's luggage to their cabin?
Upon arriving at Camp, you will check in while still in your vehicle. Camp staff will greet you, touch base to make sure no remaining payment needs to be made, and then direct you to your next stop that will either be to make a payment, check medication in with the nurse, or direct you to the cabin unit to drop off your camper and their belongings.
Why can't I just drive my vehicle into the cabin area to unload my luggage?
Due to the limited space and narrow roads leading into the cabin areas, vehicles can become quickly backed up and trapped leading to congestion and delays. It is important that you drop your camper and their luggage off in the designated areas. **If you are a High Schooler and you are driving yourself to Camp, you must turn your keys in at Registration.**
check-out and pick-up
What if my child/student has to leave Camp during the week for a sports game, family function, doctor's appointment, etc.?
Please notify our Director of Registration when you check in on the day of camp if your child/student will need to leave during the week. At the time they are leaving, they must let their cabin counselor know and must be signed out in the camp office downstairs in the Lodge. This is required each time they leave AND return to Camp. DO NOT leave Camp with a child/student without notifying their cabin counselor, no exceptions.
What if my child/student gets sick/homesick during the week?
We have a registered nurse on staff at the Camp 24 hours a day. If a child/student is sick or significantly injured, you will be notified immediately. Any injuries will be assessed by the nurse and additional medical care will be given if necessary. In addition, we will do our very best to comfort any camper who is showing signs of being homesick. In most cases, getting the child/student involved with other campers and activities allows them to start enjoying their time at the Camp. If, however, the they are not consolable, we will notify the parent/guardian about the best course of action.
What time does Camp end on Friday?
Camp ends at 12:30pm on Friday afternoon. Students/children can be picked up at the Lodge and must be signed out with their cabin counselor before they will be released.
Sleeping Stuff
• Sleeping bag or sheets/blanket & pillow
Bathroom Stuff
• Deodorant (not a suggestion!)
• General hygiene items
• Toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.
• Soap & shampoo (small bottles are best)
• Flip flops (for the bathhouse)
Clothing Stuff
You will likely change clothes at least a couple times each day
• Tennis shoes (comfortable for walking/running)
• Bathing suit (appropriate 2-piece suits are fine since guys & girls swim separately)
• T-Shirts (minimum of 10 suggested)
• Plenty of MODEST shorts (3” inseam)
• NO spaghetti strap/crop top girls’ shirts
• NO low side-cut/ripped tank tops or t-shirts for guys
• Clothing for evening rallies (if you’re planning to change after day activities)
Other Stuff
• Bible & notebook/journal with pen
• Extra cash (you will be able to purchase snack cards for $5 and VMC merch)
• A fan
• Extension cord
• Power strip
• Flashlight
• Drinks & snacks (small cooler ok)
• Water bottle (refill throughout the day – stay hydrated!)
Afterglow Stuff-
• 90’s fit for 90’s karaoke night
• Something to wear for Taco Bell Dance Party
• Drama between yourself and another camper.
• Anything valuable that you may be lost or get broken (iPod, laptop, cell phone);
we are not responsible for anything you may lose or misplace while you’re at Camp!
• Weapons of any kind or anything that blows up, explodes, shoots, creates fire
• No VAPES or anything that can be described as an alcoholic, illegal, or harmful substance.
• Anything you might be “unsure of” just ask your Youth leader BEFORE camp... .
(and if you are unsure, chances are, you shouldn’t bring it)
Can I come and visit my child during the week?
Every year our desire is for students to be fully immersed into the experience and entirety of the week of camp. The introduction of hundreds of new parents and other individuals for one night presents many safety issues and an insurance liability that would not be wise, responsible or safe.
If there is an extenuating circumstance where you need to see your child, you will need to reach out to Casey Spaugh, our camp director at 919-223-2932 or Chad Brinkley, the Executive Director at ### for permission to pass through security at the camp gate. Thank you in advance for understanding and working with us as we try to do what’s best for all of our students.
I'm the Youth Pastor/Leader/Volunteer at my church. Do I still need to fill out a Counselor/CIT Application?
Yes. Everyone who is planning to come to Camp as a Leader must fill out an application and consent to a background check. Click here to fill out your Counselor/CIT Application now!
Will all the students from my church be in the same cabin together?
All attempts will be made to keep groups together. As students are registering, if they are being registered by their parents, please remind them to indicate that they are coming with a Wesleyan church and then correctly indicate which church. This will help as we attempt to keep groups together in the same cabin.
When will I be notified which team my students will be on for team competitions?
We will notify you the week before Camp which team your group will be on - Red, Blue, Green, or Gold.
Are there promotional posters or images I can use to promote Camp?
For promotional posters, images and videos reach out to
Since registration is online, how can I know who is registered from my church?
Youth Pastors/Leaders should request a username and password that you can use to log in and see which students have registered from your church. You will also be sent regular balance updates for your group. Click Here to request.
Can I just register all of the students from my church as a group?
Our current online registration system does not currently support mass group registration. You can, however, collect their registration information and register them individually yourself if you would like. As you register them, just be sure to indicate that they are attending with your church.
I need to make a payment for one or multiple students from my church. What's the process for doing that?
For those churches who will be making payments on behalf of one of multiple students, they may do so through the Additional Payment Form. If there is an issue with your church paying via credit card, please contact our Camp Director, Casey Spaugh, at
If you have any other questions not answered here, please visit our Contact page by clicking here to send us a message!