registER ONLINE for NOT camp!
Click the link above to register today.
HIGH SCHOOL NOT CAMP: July 19-21, 2020
(9th-12th grade, based on '19/'20 school year
MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMP: July 22-24, 2020
(6th-8th grade, based on '19/'20 school year)
Not Camp Registration
As a youth pastor or leader, I will estimate the number of students who will attend the 3 nights of High School Rallies on July 19-21 or for Middle School Rallies on July 22-24 and how many adult leaders will attend.
I know that I am responsible for collecting money from each student and paying district youth leadership upon arrival.
I understand that I can make a deposit now but that the total amount for my group must be paid at the beginning of “Not Camp” on July 19 for High School students and July 22 for Middle School students.
I also understand that this is not an overnight event and that each evening after the rally and socially distanced afterglow, everyone must go home. I understand that these are likely to be late evening (11pm) commitments.
I understand it is my responsibility to screen my students who travel with me to the camp. (There will be more information to come about the entire screening process) and anyone who travels with my group must be screened before arriving at the camp.
I understand that anyone who might travel alone to the camp can and will be screened at the camp at the entrance before they can proceed onto the camp grounds.
I will adhere to and ask my students to adhere to socially distancing regulations.
Our desire is for this event to be safe and for all our parents and leaders to feel secure about sending their students and so I, as the church leader, will adhere to keeping this environment a safe and healthy place.
I understand that there will be worship rallies, church group time, as well as socially distance afterglows to occur each evening.